Webinar #onlinetogether - TUCN’s eCAMPUS and the #StayHome challenge: insights and perspectives
#onlinetogether #impreunaonline #covid19 #webinar
How can we use technology to improve didactic and administrative activity in universities?
How can we reuse the technological resources we already have available?
These are the questions that this webinar found the answers to, under the slogan #onlinetogether.
During the webinar, the experts in the field presented the și eCampus initiative and the experience of the Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, in this period when online is the solution, regardless of whether we are talking about the educational or administrative component. They brought to attention the issue of #stayhome, from an educational perspective and emphasized the importance of delivery of digital solutions, regardless of the role in the university (administrative, student, teacher).
The webinar nuanced the way in which a technological solution of communication and collaboration can be adopted at organizational level, the current and future integration scenarios and the variants in which the existing technological solutions can be reused.
The main message of the webinar was: Consumption responsible for "online" online is beneficial for education. Make it simple - don't complicate things in the educational area!
Moderators: Șl. dr.eng. AURELIA CIUPE, Technical University of Cluj-Napoca and
Conf. dr.eng. ȘERBAN MEZA, Technical University of Cluj-Napoca
Conf. dr. eng. Bogdan Orza presented the following action plan in online education, as a beneficial solution in distance learning: Initiative + Connection = Digital solution.
To replace the status of pupil / student with the status of collaborator and thus we will obtain an increase of the interaction.
UTCN experts, Conf. dr. eng. Bogdan Orza, Șl. dr.eng. Aurelia Ciupe and Conf. dr.eng. Șerban Meza, spoke from personal experience, presenting in a unique way the conclusions, future challenges and perspectives related to digital resources and their educational applicability online.
The second part of the webinar focused on answering the various questions and issues raised by the approximately 300 participants, with a focus on support solutions in learning processes, information resources or interactive exploration, including by integrating "Gamification" strategies. ".
The presentation is now available online:

Bogdan Orza is an associate professor at the Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, director of the Department for Continuing Education, Distance and Part-Time Learning and coordinator of the Multimedia Systems and Applications Laboratory. From the beginning of his university activity, he was involved in the development of educational systems and solutions for carrying out online activities. Currently, he coordinates the activity of the eCampus - Virtual Campus initiative in the Technical University of Cluj-Napoca.

Aurelia Ciupe is a lecturer at the Technical University of Cluj-Napoca and a member of the Multimedia Systems and Applications Laboratory. Over the last decade, she has been involved in the development of technological support for educational solutions dedicated to higher education and national institutions. She is the local UTCN coordinator within the LOVEDISTANCE Erasmus + CBHE project: “Learning Optimization and Academic Inclusion Via Equitative Distance Teaching and Learning” and member of the UTCN eCampus team.

Șerban Meza is an associate professor at the Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, director of the Office for Personal Data Protection and a member of the Multimedia Systems and Applications Laboratory. For the last 10 years he has been involved in coordinating various institutional projects at regional and national level in the field of implementation of online communication and collaboration technologies in various fields.
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Watch the live stream on YouTube, by clicking on the video below: